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Genre - Crime

My Home Hero

Tetsuo Tosu, an ordinary salaryman, discovers his daughter, Reika, has been physically abused by her boyfriend, Matori Nobuto. Trying to learn more about him, Tetsuo uncovers Matori's scheme to extort money from Reika's wealthy grandparents, and finds out that he is a member of a crime syndicate, with a history of murdering his former girlfriends. Filled with rage and fear at the thought of Reika being in danger, Tetsuo ends up killing Nobuto, and with the help of his wife, Kasen, successfully disposes of the body. Now, as the members of the syndicate begin to question Nobuto's sudden disappearance, Tetsuo and Kasen must work together to ensure the safety of their daughter and prevent her from getting involved in the predicament any further.


Buddy Daddies (Dub)

Two professional contract criminals are up for their biggest mission yet: taking care of a child!


Buddy Daddies

Two professional contract criminals are up for their biggest mission yet: taking care of a child!


Variable Geo (Dub)

The special of the day is Variable Geo-a brutal battle between waitresses who serve up generous portions of energy blasts and vicious side orders of murderous martial artistry. For buffed beauties who make below-minimum wages, VG is the perfect way to make some fast cash. The victorious walk away with millions, and the defeated lose everything (namely, all their clothes). But this high-stakes sport has dark forces and dubious practices behind the fun and games. Lethal injections make steroids seem like vitamins. Instead of team prayer, there's demonic possession. Athletic sponsors are malevolent corporations with a more frightening agenda than increased market share. It's all just part of the game.
